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Press release, 14.02.2022

Medical Appeal: No war in Europe

294 health professionals from Europe and elsewhere in the world have published an appeal today, initiated by the Nobel Peace Prize laureate the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW), calling for war in Europe to be averted. Warning that a war would be a humanitarian disaster, they call on all conflict parties to choose diplomacy over escalation.

IPPNW Regional Co-Vice President for Europe, Dr. Angelika Claussen, commented: “Our responsibility as doctors and health professionals is to save lives through preventive action. That is why we must act to stop another war in Europe from beginning that could easily turn into a nuclear war”.

The appeal criticises confrontational policies, accusations of blame and deployment of troops and arms on all sides for escalating the conflict, comparing the situation to the Berlin stand-off of 1958 and the Cuba crisis of 1962. The medical appeal calls for an understanding of the needs of all conflict parties, stating “We need to step back and look at this impasse through the eyes of the other. That doesn’t mean we have to accept the other's opinion or take on their perspective as our own”.

Concrete proposals, such as ceasing to make threats, pulling back troops and arms from Ukraine’s borders and discuss confidence building measures, are put forward in the appeal which concludes: “Our call for a continuous diplomatic effort to solve the political crisis does not mean agreement with certain political positions. We seek to prevent a potentially uncontrollable conflict which might escalate even into a nuclear war.”

The medical appeal and the initial list of signatories can be found here

Health professionals are invited to continue signing onto the appeal via the link beneath the appeal text.

Contact: Xanthe Hall, IPPNW Europe


Learn about Nuclear Weapons

Learn About Nuclear Weapons is a web-based educational material from the Swedish Physicians Against Nuclear Weapons for those who want to learn more about nuclear weapons:

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IPPNW Responds to Crisis in Ukraine: www.ippnw.org

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