www.ippnw-europe.org  | en | Social Responsibility
Wednesday, 23. October 2024

PSR-Statement, 1. June 2020

Statement on the Killing of George Floyd

06/01/2020 The murder of George Floyd and other acts of violence against African Americans in recent years are reminders of the deadly consequences of institutional racism in the United States. Tragically, the latest acts of violence by police directed at African Americans are occurring at a time when African Americans and other people of color are dying disproportionately from COVID-19, further illustrating the damage caused by institutional racism.

PSR stands with health professionals who have long argued that police violence and systemic racism are a public health issue. We call on PSR members, who are devoted to fighting climate change and eliminating the threat posed by nuclear weapons, to be every bit as active in dismantling institutional racism in their communities. No just solution to the climate crisis or the nuclear threat will be possible unless we do so.

We applaud PSR chapters around the country that are allied with antiracist efforts in their communities, and we urge all PSR chapters and members to reflect on ways in which we can individually and collectively do the same.

We will never accomplish our mission — to create a healthy, just and peaceful world for both the present and future generations — unless we fight for the humanity and the dignity of all people.


Alan S. Greenglass, MD, President
Jeff Carter, Executive Director



