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Friday, 25. October 2024

Press statement of PSR/IPPNW Switzerland

Global toll of the nuclear industry and uranium exploitation

Press Statement « Nuclearisation of Africa » Symposium 19. Nov 2015

19.11.15 There is a clear global downtrend in the civil use of nuclear power, as documented by the annual World Nuclear Industry Status Report and as discussed at the international Symposium on « Nuclearisation of Africa » concluded on the 19th of November in Johannesburg. Testimonies by participants from Niger spoke about the heavy toll of the 40 years exploitation of Uranium in their country.

An excursion by the participants of the W Rand gold mine region (Johannesburg) demonstrated the grave environmental effects of gold mining, as tailing storage facilities contain a significant amount of uranium and a host of radioactive materials. Health problems affecting miners and their families, living near the tailings and acid mine drainage receptor dams are frequent and well understood. The link between the mining of uranium and the spread of nuclear weapons was also discussed. In view of the globally expanding use of renewables, South Africa has the chance to become the African leader for a sustainable energy future and this at a fraction of the costs of less risks compared with a nuclear power system.  
Mariette Liefferink  
CEO FSE (Federation for a Sustainable Environment)
Günter Wippel
Uranium-network Germany
Prof. Andreas Nidecker, MD
IPPNW (Interntl Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War) Switzerland
+41 76 557 37 12
