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9-11th of May 2014, Helsinki

24th IPPNW’s European Students’ conference

Today our globe encounters various dangers – some that have been burden for a long time and some that have recently emerged. Cooperation between sciences is longed for when looking resolutions to these complex problems that connect us all – even though in different perspectives.

Who are we?

International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW), a long name with a hard but important task. The international movement of health professionals was founded to prevent enormous humanitarian catastrophe during cold war. Alerting governments and the public of the health effects of nuclear war using scientific methods was the reason why IPPNW received Nobel peace prize in 1985. This goal has stayed same, and IPPNW pursues to ban Nuclear Weapons worldwide and to prevent other humanitarian problems caused by any kind of war by supplying adequate research to affect decision makers and to educate the public.

We are the European student movement of IPPNW and this year our Congress meeting will be in Finland. This year we concentrate on various global dangers that face us today – some that have been burden for a long time and some that have recently emerged. Cooperation between sciences is longed for when looking resolutions to these complex problems that connect us all – even though in different perspectives.

Why should you go to Helsinki in May 2014?

The conference program is truly exceptional. We have gathered experts from various fields to share their knowledge, such as Finland's Minister of International Development, Pekka Haavisto. Topics to be discussed include conflict solving, review of weapons of mass destruction, health effects of global warming, futures foodproduction, human rights, Small Arms and much more.

We offer slight upgrade to your knowledge of challenges today and promise to shake your perspective of presented topics. We welcome you and your ideas to Helsinki.

General information

The estimated expenses per student are approximately 120 euros, consisting the conference fee (60 € including meals and the conference itself) & accomodation (54-90 € depending on chosen hostel). Please ask your faculty or local IPPNW affiliates to help you with this expenses. We have no possibilities to pay for your travel fees. Please ask your personal contacts to get some sponsorship. Invent an own creative sponsoring methods. Money musn't be the reason to stay at home.


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19th - 24th May 2020
Naivasha - Nairobi - Mombasa
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