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No new war in the Middle East

Allegations against Iran

06/16/2019 The medical peace organization IPPNW Germany calls on the German government to urgently work with other EU states towards a deescalation between the USA and Iran. The German Federal Government has to reject unequivocally any form of German participation in a military intervention against Iran. The US withdrawal from the nuclear agreement, the US sanctions and the massive US military presence in the Persian Gulf increase the danger of a military confrontation.

Concerns about a military escalation have increased due to the attacks on oil tankers in the Strait of Hormuz last week. Susanne Grabenhorst, Co-President of German IPPNW, said this weekend: "In light of the
experiences of past wars, such as the recent Iraq war, the allegations against Iran by the US and the UK have to be investigated independently by the United Nations. Whoever was responsible for the attacks - a new war in the Middle East cannot be the answer."

A military strike against Iran would have catastrophic consequences on the civilian population in Iran. Neighbouring countries, especially Saudi Arabia, could quickly be drawn into such a war, as could the
war-ravaged countries of Yemen, Syria and Iraq, where both Shiite and Sunni populations live. Last but not least, there would be a danger that other nuclear-weapon states such as Russia, Israel, Great Britain or
France would also be involved in such a war.

"Instead of threats and military escalation, what is urgently needed are dialogue and diplomacy. The US and Iran must return to the negotiating table," said IPPNW Co-President Dr Alex Rosen. "Germany should use its position in the UN Security Council for the convening of a comprehensive Conference on Security and Cooperation in the Middle East (CSCME) involving all states in the region, along the lines of the CSCE process in Europe.

IPPNW Social Media campaign "No War on Iran". More information: www.ippnw.eu/en/peace4iran.html, Facebook page www.facebook.com/Peace4Iran

Press contact: International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War / Physicians in Social Responsibility Germany, Körtestr. 10, 10967 Berlin, www.ippnw.de, Angelika Wilmen, Tel. 030 - 69 80 74 15, Mobil: 0162 - 205 79 43, Email: wilmen@ippnw.de


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