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Arms Trade Treaty “Race to 50” gains momentum with EU Vote to Authorize

The ATT “race to 50”, (#Raceto50) coined by the Control Arms Coalition, just got a lot faster-paced with the European Union (EU) vote to authorize EU members to ratify the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT).

Norway, a long-time champion for a strong and humanitarian-based ATT, quickly moved to become the first European country to ratify the ATT, making it the eleventh country to ratify. Just prior to Norway, Panama joined Costa Rica as the second country in Central America to ratify. The ATT requires 50 nations to ratify for it to enter in force 90 days later. 

Has your country signed and ratified the ATT? If not, urge your gouvernment to sign AND ratify this treaty as a public health imperative. The UN has published an Att toolkit for ratification.


International Summit for Peace in Ukraine 2023

Speech of Angelika Claußen, IPPNW EU vice president

Animated Short Film about DU by ICBUW and PaxChristi

click to watch the video in IPPNW's youtube channel