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You are here: www.ippnw-europe.org | en | About IPPNW


Welcome to the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War!

IPPNW is a non-partisan global federation of medical organizations dedicated to research, education, and advocacy relevant to the prevention of nuclear war. To this end, IPPNW seeks to prevent all wars, to promote non-violent conflict resolution, and to minimize the effects of war and preparations for war on health, development, and the environment.

While the abolition of nuclear weapons is IPPNW's highest priority, IPPNW recognizes that militarism and war rob both rich and poor societies of resources to protect and promote health. For this reason, IPPNW addresses the inter-related issues of landmines, small arms and light weapons, developing world debt, and chemical and biological weapons.

IPPNW affiliates in Europe are part of IPPNW's vast global network of medical professionals and concerned citizens in over 60 countries. They all help implement a diverse set of programs designed to build a healthier and more secure future.

The situation for IPPNW members in Europe reflects the diversity of the small continent. This web page is designed to bring IPPNW members closer together, attract interest of people in Europe to work for our IPPNW goals. 

This web page is provided by IPPNW Germany. Please mail information you want to see included well in advance to Angelika Wilmen.