We started the weekend Friday night with questions that we had prepared for each participant:
Do you see a connection between poverty and Nuclear Weapons ?
Do you think that doctors can play a special role in the abolishment of nuclear weapons ?
Soon we had an exciting discussion going, the best start into this thoughtful and very informative weekend.
On Saturday we were introduced to the situation of British nuclear weapons by Elisabeth McElderry from MedAct, Janet Bloomfield from the Oxford Research Group and Sam Akaki from the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament.
We spent the afternoon talking about NWIP methods and making plans. In the evening we watched the movie "The last atomic bomb" and did exercises with filmmaker Kathleen Sullivan.
On Sunday, Hiroshima day, we heard about activism from Rebecca Johnson from the Acronym Institute for Disarmament Policy and then did a big target X next to Trafalgar Square where we discussed with people passing by about the upcoming trident renewal and distributed about 800 leaflets. We ended the weekend with an evaluation, the plan to continue working and the peace declaration written by Mayor Akiba of Hiroshima earlier that day, praying for a future of peace and harmony for the human family.