www.ippnw-europe.org  | en | Abolition of Nuclear Weapons
Tuesday, 22. October 2024

Strong resolution on WMD

Parliament of the European Union

In line with previous EU positions, the resolution expresses disappointment and deep concern over the failure of this year's NPT review conference to reach by consensus useful recommendations to be addressed to the next NPT Review Conference and regrets that the European Union did not take up the initiative of the Mayor of Hiroshima for a nuclear-free world by 2020. It also urges for the immediate ratification and entry into force of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) from 1996.
- "This resolution is a strong support for everybody who wants to free the world from the threat that mankind faces from nuclear weapons, and clearly also a democratic reflection of the desire by most people of Europe to get rid of nuclear weapons" says IPPNW Co-president Gunnar Westberg in a comment. Together with the European regional vice-president Bjørn Hilt he has expressed his recognition for the resolution in a recent letter to the President of the European Parliament, Professor Josep Borell Fontelles.

The whole text of the resolution can be found at www.europarl.eu.int
