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Tuesday, 22. October 2024

Ratification of TPNW

Fruitful Visit to Nepal by South Asian Affiliates of IPPNW

04/02/2019 The south Asia affiliates of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) gathered at Kathmandu for dialogue with decision makers to emphasize upon the governments to take steps towards nuclear disarmament, reduction of small arms and resolution of issues through dialogue. They held meetings with the foreign minister, the speaker and advisor to the Prime Minister.

The delegation included Dr. Arun Mitra- Co-President of IPPNW, Dr Kamrul Hasan Khan-south Asian regional Vice President IPPNW & President Physicians for Social Responsibility Bangladesh(PSRB), Dr Surinder Singh Soodan-President & Dr Satyajit Kumar Singh-Senior Vice President of Indian Doctors for Peace and Development (IDPD), Dr Tipu Sultan-President Pakistan Doctors for Peace and Development (PDPD), Dr Talat Sultan and Dr Akmal from Pakistan,  Dr Sharad Onta-Sr. Vice President and Dr Bansidhar Mishra Advisor to Physicians for Social Responsibility Nepal (PSRN) & Dr Arun Dixit. The delegation met the Foreign Minister Shri Pradeep Gyawali, Speaker  of parliament Shri Krishna Bahadur Mahara and Advisor to the Prime Minister Shri Rajan Bhattarai.

The delegation discussed with them the seriousness of the ongoing conflicts in the world in general and south Asia in particular. Recent conflict between India and Pakistan could have taken very serious turn if the situation had not been defused on time by releasing the Indian Pilot. Both countries not only possess huge arsenal but are nuclear weapons states. Escalation of conflict could have led to the use of nuclear weapons. The delegation appraised the minsters about the studies based on scientific evidence that in the event of a nuclear exchange between India and Pakistan would put over 2 billion people at risk. They that there is an opportunity now because the UN General Assembly has passed a treaty Prohibiting Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) which has declared the possession, trade, use of nuclear weapons in any form as illegal.  The treaty was passed by 122 votes in favour and only one against it. The treaty has now to be signed by the respective countries. They thanked the Nepal government for signing the TPNW at the UN. It has now to be ratified by the parliament of the signatory countries. They also called for Nepal to put her unique advantage in fostering understanding between countries in South Asia region, and even China, since countries like India derive the rationale to possess nuclear weapon mainly to deter China, and hoped that Nepal will  put good use of  its  peace diplomacy to make South Asia region safe. The efforts of Nepal in collaboration with Bangladesh and Srilanka can help impress upon India, Pakistan and also China to join the treaty and make Asia nuclear weapons free. The delegation said that It is time Nepal play her role well in changing such mindset, in the denuclearization of the continent and the nurturing of  regional peace.

The minsters appreciated the role of IPPNW and the ICAN and congratulated for receiving the Nobel Peace Prize twice. They assured of early action to ratify the treaty.   

The delegation expressed satisfaction at the assurance given by the speaker, the foreign minister and the advisor to the Prime Minister to ratify the treaty very soon. The south Asian affiliates decided to continue such activity in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. They charted out plan of action for this. 
