ICAN-UK is a new consortium of groups facilitated by Medact as the UK affiliate of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War. ICAN´s aim is to draw attention to the feasibility of nuclear abolition through the model treaty outlined in Securing our Survival, the Case for a Nuclear Weapons Convention (NWC), and to generate political will for nuclear disarmament through educating and engaging the public and policy makers.
ICAN-UK´s partners are currently CND, Abolition 2000 UK, Greenpeace UK, the Women´s International League for Peace and Freedom UK, the Movement for Abolition of War, Pax Christi and the Fellowship of Reconciliation - and we shall shortly be contacting other peace, environment and development groups for support.
You can help us by getting as many signatures as you can for the Petition on the Medact or CND website (where you can also sign electronically). This calls for No to Trident as well as Yes to a Nuclear Weapons Convention. There are plans to take this to the upcoming Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty preparatory meeting in Geneva in April if we get enough signatures. See www.medact.org/article_wmd.php
where you can download a form to pass around or www.ipetitions.com/petition/nuclearweaponsconvention/
where you can sign online, and forward this link to others who might do so.
Please take a look at www.icanw.org; and www.medact.org and let us know if you have further ideas on how to take the ICAN work forward, especially in the UK and at local level.