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Statement, 24.02.2022

Protect Life and Prevent Harm

Joint Statement of International and European Student Representatives of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW)

The International and European Student Representatives of IPPNW are devastated and shocked by the invasion of Ukraine by Russia. As medical students and young doctors, we are trained to protect life and prevent harm. We stand in solidarity with Ukrainian and Russian civilians who did not ask for this war. Earlier this year, IPPNW warned of the detrimental humanitarian and medical consequences of war in Europe, and we stand concerned of a possible escalation to nuclear war. There can be no meaningful medical response to any use of nuclear weapons and it is essential that parties to the conflict return to dialogue and diplomacy to resolve this conflict. We call for an immediate cease-fire, respect for international humanitarian and human rights law, and remind the P-5, including the Russian Federation, of the joint statement they signed on January 3rd 2022: a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought.


International and European Student Representatives of IPPNW:

Victor Chelashow, Kenya; Yusuf Dominic, Nigeria; Ella Faiz, France; Dirk Hoogenkamp, The
Netherlands; Sarah Kuiter, Germany; Ulfat Pardesi, India


Learn about Nuclear Weapons

Learn About Nuclear Weapons is a web-based educational material from the Swedish Physicians Against Nuclear Weapons for those who want to learn more about nuclear weapons:

IPPNW European Regional Meeting 2023

Bike for the Ban!

IPPNW Responds to Crisis in Ukraine: www.ippnw.org

Article by Angelika Claußen: War is a climate killer

Climate protection needs peace

How the Military and Armaments fuel the Climate Catastrophe

IPPNW-Paper: How the Military and Armaments fuel the Climate Catastrophe
PDF Download

A Roadmap to End Nuclear Sharing

In Conversation with EU Parliamentarians
28. Juni 2021

Recording link

Medical Peace Work

Medical Peace Work
Online Courses

Animated Short Film about DU by ICBUW and PaxChristi

click to watch the video in IPPNW's youtube channel